Friendsgiving in more ways than one


Dear readers,

It’s hard to believe that the holidays are upon us. I have to say, I am actually looking forward to them this year. I love to decorate, contrary to my husband, who could care less and can’t wait for the house decor to return to normal. Somehow, I know that deep down he really does like it and appreciates my efforts! I also love getting my favorite cooking magazines with fabulous recipes and planning holiday dinners and cocktail parties. I know without a doubt he enjoys this part of the holidays!

I have decided that instead of hanging on to my breast cancer issues, I prefer to be grateful for my life. I am not dying anytime soon. I am here to stay, and I want to celebrate, share and enjoy my life with my family and friends, by indulging in the “guilty pleasures” of holiday decorating and cooking…bring it on! Friendsgiving is definitely on the list this year. I am thinking of a Mexican take on the traditional Thanksgiving recipes to add some spice. I might start with an appetizer of Chilled Scallops in a Spicy Tomatillo Sauce. Then move on to the main dishes consisting of Lamb Barbacoa and a Vegetarian Mole. I would accompany them with a few light sides and finish with pumpkin tamales topped with a sweet coconut creme fraiche. This is going to be fun! Please give me feedback and share your favorite Thanksgiving recipes.

I hope with these words, I can motivate you to be true to yourself, and live your life to the fullest by enjoying every moment possible. If you know someone that is sad or depressed, please reach out from your comfort zone and urge them to get help. A kind word or an invitation to share a meal can go a long way.

Stay Strong, Fight & Live!


Giving Thanks to those you Love and who have Loved you back!


We love you California